All matches shall be played on Sunday at 1:00 PM, except as listed on the front page under "NOTE" and where Saturday is scheduled. By mutual agreement, team captains may agree to play specific matches on an earlier or later date and/or at an earlier or later than scheduled time. Having such an agreement, any future defaults will not affect matches already played or started. Absent such an agreement, inclement weather conditions shall be the only valid reason for the postponement of a match. Any rained out match must be played on the first available Saturday or Sunday immediately following the scheduled rain out date, excluding Mother’s Day and Memorial Day weekend. Any delayed match that would determine the teams in the playoffs must be played, regardless of the weather.
Each A team is to be represented by 7 male players (8 in B). No player may participate in more than one match during any one scheduled week. No designated A team player of any club may play in one season for any B team. No player may play for more than one team in the same league (B1 and B2 are considered same League). Each season, each A team captain of clubs that also have a B team shall submit, to the league secretary, prior to the first match, a list of the 5 top A team members. These 5 players may not play any B level matches. All other players may play at the A or B level without restriction, except as noted elsewhere in these rules.
All A contests shall consist of 3 singles and 2 doubles matches (B will be 2 singles and 3 doubles). Team captains shall exchange written line-ups prior to the commencement of any contest. All individual matches shall be the best of three tie break sets (12 point). At the discretion of the captain whose player or team is present, a match may be defaulted if the opposition's player or team is one half hour later than the agreed upon or scheduled time. However, matches must be defaulted in order. Eg: 3rd singles then 2nd singles then 1st singles; or 2nd doubles then 1st doubles. For example: A team cannot default just 1st singles or 1st doubles. If the 1st singles player fails to show and the 2nd and 3rd singles matches have already been started, then all 3 matches would be defaulted - similarly for doubles.
Each individual match won shall entitle the winner's team to one point, and the contest winning club to one additional point. The club in each league having the largest point total upon the completion of each season's schedule (midnight on 6/21/2023) shall be the champion of said league for that season, unless a playoff format has been adopted at the prior Annual Meeting. In the event of a tie, the champion will be the team with the best win/loss ratio. If still tied, the champion is that team which won in the head-to-head match. Alternatively, ties may be decided by playoffs, if approved at the prior Annual Meeting, and subject to interpretation of the Executive Committee.
For the 2023 season, the playoff format will be used to determine league champions. In Both A and B, Players must have played at least two matches (for that playoff team) during the regular season to be eligible to play for that playoff team (except as noted below).
The home club shall furnish three new USTA approved tennis balls for each match and shall furnish 3 new additional balls for any deciding third set, if requested by either player or team, and shall, upon request of either team, secure necessary match officials. Home teams that cannot provide 5 courts at the normal 1:00 playing time must accommodate the visiting teams as to which matches are played at the alternative time.
Except as otherwise specified herein or as otherwise determined by the Executive Committee, the rules of the USTA shall apply to all matches.
At the discretion of The League Board, there shall be a forfeit of 5 matches for any violation of the above rules.