Men's Interstate Paddle League

Men's Interstate Paddle Tennis League Rules

    League Structure

  1. Each team will play four matches in each scheduled week. APTA rules govern play. Best of three sets with tiebreakers in all sets. Captains are honor bound to play their teams top to bottom in order of ability. Players may play up or down between leagues according to prescribed guidelines. Clubs that have more than one team in the same Division may not interchange players between teams but movement of players to higher or lower Divisions is permitted. Players who belong to more than one club may only play for one club during the season. Players with five plays in the current or preceding year are required to join the APTA. Men ages 15 and above are eligible.
  2. Scheduling

  3. Matches should be played by the date scheduled or be defaulted. If weather causes a match to be postponed (decided by home team captain), the match must be played within two weeks. In the event that a team cannot field players in all four positions, the default occurs in position #4 first, then position #3, etc. If both captains agree matches may be pre-played or post-played but the requesting captain must provide names and contact info of players at the time of the request.
  4. Player Movement

  5. Players moving down to a lower team. Once a player has played in the either the 1st or 2nd position a total of three times, he is frozen on that team (he can play 1, 2, 3 or 4 on that team) but cannot go down to a lower team. "Restricted Player" rules from previous season apply to the start of a new season.

    Players moving up to a higher team. A player can go up to any position on a higher team, but after he goes up three times, he is a "restricted player" and can only play in the 1st or 2nd position on the lower team. (If he plays three times at 1 or 2 on the higher team, he can no longer return to the lower team.)
  6. Standings

  7. Each match won counts as one point. Matches won by default count. At the end of the season the team with the most points in each division comes in first, second most points second, etc. The top four teams in each division then play off to determine who wins the division.
  8. Playoffs

  9. First place team in each division will select as a first round opponent either the third or fourth place team. Second place team will play the team not chosen. Finals to follow semis asap. Matches are best of three sets with tiebreakers in all sets. In event of a 2-2 tie, total sets won will determine the winner, followed by the team winning in the #1 position. A player must have played at least 5 times for that team or a lower team during the regular season to qualify to play in the playoffs. Restricted player rules apply in playoffs. Defaulted matches do not qualify as a time played.
  10. Team Movement

  11. Regular season winner and playoff winner in each division will move to the next higher division and 2 bottom teams will move down. If the same team wins the division and playoffs, only that team will move up and only the last place team will move down. Ties in final standings are resolved first by head to head results during the season, then by total games won in head to head play and then by the outcome of head to head play where in 2-2 finishes, the team winning in the #1 position is the winner. If these fail to produce a winner, president will flip a coin.
  12. Entering Scores

  13. Scores must be entered into the website by midnight Thursday following the scheduled match. Please note that BOTH captains are responsible for making sure the scores are entered and done accurately.
  14. Final Decisions

  15. League president has final decision on placement of teams in each division and the schedule. He will also interpret all rules and make all judgments required on league matters without recourse to appeal.

  16. REVISED 10/9/19