Shore Ladies Platform Tennis League


Ladies Shore Platform Tennis League Rules


The purpose of the Ladies Shore Platform Tennis League (LSPTL) is to promote the sport of platform tennis through the organization of healthy and friendly competition between clubs. The spirit of the league is fair play and good sportsmanship.

Sportsmanship and Etiquette are fundamental to this sport. Both concepts deal with integrity and respect. The notion of sportsmanship in intended to keep egregious behavior out of the game, while etiquette is intended to raise the level of civility on the court.

"APTA" rules of play shall govern all matches unless otherwise stated in these rules.


  1. Member clubs must be willing and able to field four matches (8 players) each week, and be prepared to host or travel according to the schedule. Each team must have a captain or co-captains. No dues will be charged. Clubs will be assessed for unusual expenses.
    1. The home team provides balls and refreshments.
    2. Court maintenance is necessary for safe play.If courts are unplayable due to poor upkeep, the league reserves the right to take action.

    The year will begin the third week of October. It will be divided into two seasons: the fall and the winter.

    FALL SEASON: Every team in the league will play every other team once. There will be no play Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Year's weeks.

    WINTER SEASON: Format will be determined in the fall, depending on the number of teams in the league.


  2. A coordinator will be named for a two year term by each team in alphabetical rotation. She may work alone or with a co-coordinator. The coordinator will:
    1. Produce the schedule of matches
    2. Organize fall and spring meetings
    3. Email captains of roster additions or deletions
    4. Record the results of each weeks' matches and forward the standings and match results in an expeditious manner.
    5. Review each team's movement of players. If an illegal move has been made, or a non-rostered player has been used, both teams will be advised and scores adjusted.
    6. Forward copies of actual match sheets to all captains who request same.
    7. Keep a record of all protests and penalty points awarded and notify all teams of the decision.
    8. New clubs wishing to join the LSPTL must contact the coordinator.
    9. Member clubs wishing to add or delete a team must contact the coordinator.


  3. Captains duties:
    1. Each team will have a captain or co-captains.
    2. Captains will submit 12 COPIES of their team rosters in ALPHABETICAL ORDER to the coordinators at the beginning of the meeting. This list must include the cell number of each captain and co-captain to be used for scheduling matches and notifications if a visiting team encounters an emergency en route.
    3. Captains will apprise coordinator(s) of all roster changes.
    4. Captains will prepare line up and submit to captain of opposing team PRIOR to the start of each match.
    5. Captains of host team will call or email guest team's captain to confirm match by 6:00pm Monday prior to the match.
    6. Captains will submit to the coordinator by email a copy of the match results by 6pm the day the match was played.
    7. Reschedule with opposing team's captain any matches cancelled due to weather or other hazardous conditions.

    An organizational captain's meeting will be held in the fall to distribute the schedule and any pertinent information regarding rules and regulations.

    A spring meeting will be held to award the winner's trophy and discuss issues needing to be ad-dressed for the following season.

    Player Requirements

  4. Player Requirements include:
    1. A player may play for only one shore league team during a season. If a club is fielding more than one team, these teams are in competition with each other.
    2. A new member may be added to the roster by notifying the coordinator by the end of Monday prior to the match. No player may be added following the second match of each season.
    3. Any member of a team may move to a different team, in compliance with 3b, so long as she has not yet played a shore league match. This holds true for movement within the same club or another shore league club.
    4. A player must be a member in good standing of the club she represents.

    Eligibility Definition

  5. Eligibility for Shore League:
    1. A rostered Shore League team member may also be a member of a State Team series 6 thru 15 during the same season.
    2. Every Shore League player may play once per season (Fall season and Winter season) for a State League team in Series 1-5. Players may sub an unlimited amount of times for State League teams in Series 6-16.
    3. No high school or full-time college student may play in the Shore League.
    4. A player must have played twice during the season to play in a final match.
    5. Use of a non-rostered player results in a penalty point.

    Team Placement

  6. The honor system shall be observed for team placement with teams playing in order of strength.
    1. Each team fields four courts. The first court must be stronger than the second, the second stronger than the third, and the third stronger than the fourth. Each single match is worth one point.
    2. If a team fields a team not in order of strength, the opponents may protest the match (see Rule 30, Protests).

    Player Movement

  7. Player movement is limited from week to week.
    1. An individual may move up or down two (2) positions from where she last played.
    2. A team may move up or down one (1) position from where they last played together, regardless of how many weeks have passed since the last pairing of that season.
    3. Any deviation from a. or b. must be approved by the coordinator before the match is played.
    4. Permission for an illegal move may be granted by the coordinator. Personality and/or preferred side of court are not valid considerations when appealing for consideration.
    5. If a club has fielded a team in an illegal position without permission, a "Penalty Point" will be assessed. If the offending team won the match, it loses the point and this point is awarded to the opponent as well as games and sets to read 0-6, 0-6. If the offending team lost the match, the penalty point is deducted from its cumulative score.
    6. If a team or player has been granted permission for an illegal move, refer back to the sheets where the individual or team last played legally. For the next match, the individual or team may move up or down as above a. or b.

    Alternate Sites

  8. Alternate courts may be used if home courts are not playable or if State matches take precedence over Shore matches.
    1. The Shore Paddle League will allow any club that has a problem providing court usage at their club for an extended period of time to play all their matches AWAY.


  9. Line-ups must be written out PRIOR to arrival at the courts and presented to the opposing team captain before the start of the match.
    1. In case of injury or illness, a substitute may be used if available without causing undue delay in starting the match and if the line-up remains in order of strength.
    2. If, for any reason, a full team cannot be fielded, the default must be taken in the 4th position.
    3. In the event of a default, available players must be listed for both teams. The position(s) not filled will be listed as "No player available."
    4. When a default occurs, the score reads 6-0, 6-0 for the non-defaulted team.
    5. After line-ups have been exchanged, an emergency default may take place on a fielded court.
    6. In the event of a retired match, the point is awarded to the opposing team, as well as the remaining games and set(s) to complete the match.


  10. Coaching during the warm up and match is prohibited.
  11. Clothing

  12. Clothing that is similar in color to the ball (yellow or lime green) may not be worn.
  13. Start Times

  14. Matches start promptly at 9:30 am.
    1. Warm-ups start promptly at 9:15 am. Maximum warm-up time is 15 minutes.
    2. Practice serves must be taken before play begins. (Serve and Catch).
    3. If a team has to default, see rule 10 b-f.
    4. When only two courts are available, matches will be staggered; i.e. 9:15 and 10:30am. The visiting team will determine the order.

    Match Format

  15. Best 2 of 3 sets with a tiebreaker (see tiebreaker rules below) in each set.
    1. Play is continuous, however, a short break is allowed between sets and 10 minutes in case of injury.

    Choice Options Following Spin

  16. The winning team has the following options:
    1. To serve first: the opponents choose the end of the court to receive.
    2. To receive first: the opponents choose from which end of the court to serve.
    3. To choose side: the opponents have the right to serve or receive first.
    4. To require the opponents to make the first choice.


    1. The server must serve from a position behind the baseline and between the center mark and the sideline, diagonally crosscourt from the receiver.
    2. The server throughout delivery of the service may not change position by walking or running.
    3. The server's partner may take any position she chooses on their side of the net, ON OR OFF THE COURT.

    Receiving Team Must be Ready

  17. Receiving team rules:
    1. The server must not deliver the serve until the receiver is ready
    2. If the receiver makes any attempt to return the ball, the receiver is deemed to be ready.
    3. If the receiver claims not to be ready as the serve is being delivered the service shall be played again, provided the receiver did not attempt to a return.
    4. In such case, the receiver may not claim a fault if the service lands in the net or outside the service court.

    Agreement On Score

  18. During play, call the score at all times prior to the next serve. If players cannot agree on the score, they must go back to the score upon which all players agree. Outside assistance is prohibited.
  19. Loss of Point

  20. Loss of point rules:
    1. A player out of bounds volleys at her own risk. It is not legal to volley the ball and simultaneously call it out If a ball is volleyed, it is in play.
    2. If a player strikes the ball before it has crossed over the net.
    3. If the opponent hits the ball in such a way that it pushes the net against the net player's paddle or person. It does not matter that the ball was not going over the net. It is a loss of point because the net player made contact with the net while the ball was still in play.
    4. If the ball contacts any part of a player's clothing or equipment while the ball is in play.
    5. If the ball is hit through the open space between the net and the post.

    No Loss Of Point

  21. No Loss of point rules:
    1. If reaching over the net, the ball served or returned hits the deck within the correct court and rebounds over the net
    2. If a player's paddle passes over the net after the player has made contact with the ball. (The player may follow through over the net so long as her paddle or any part of her clothing does not touch the net)
    3. If the ball is returned outside the post, either above or below the level of the net, provided it then hits the deck within the opponent's court.

    Ball Change

  22. Ball change rules:
    1. Two new balls per court should be provided for warm up. Extra balls should be available. Any APTA approved ball is acceptable.
    2. Play should continue with the same ball so long as it is in good condition.
    3. The ball should not be changed during a set unless the ball becomes clearly defective, such as a crack or split or if for any reason all four players agree that the ball should be changed.
    4. At the end of a set, a ball change is made at the request of any player.

    Line Calls/Foot Faults

  23. Line Call/Foot fault rules: If there is a dispute regarding line calls or foot faults during a match, one person from each team will observe at the net post, but will make a call only when asked.
    1. Line Calls cannot be made across the net by the opponents. All lines are called by the receiving team and their decision is final.
    2. Foot Fault:
      1. The server throughout the delivery of the service, up to the moment of impact of the paddle and ball may not touch (with either foot) or cross the imaginary extension of the center mark and the sideline.
      2. The first call of a foot fault shall be a let. Subsequently it is loss of point. (If during warm up, foot faults are observed, the issue should be pointed out a graciously as possible to the offender and/or her partner. This will avoid any confrontation during the match should foot faults become egregious.)


  24. The APTA approved tiebreaker is to be used in all three sets. Best two of three sets wins the match.
    1. The service order for the tiebreaker remains the same as the set just played The first server will serve one point to the ad court. Each player will then, in normal service rotation, serve twice; first to the deuce court and then to the ad court.
    2. Repeat this order until one team reaches 7 points or wins by 2 points after each team reaches 6 points. The set is recorded 7-6 with the actual score of the tiebreaker in parentheses.
    3. The tiebreaker represents one game.
    4. The team that received the first ball of the tiebreaker will serve first in the next set on the opposite side from which the received the first serve.

    Emergency Delay

  25. Emergency delay rules:
    1. If a visiting team encounters an emergency en route, the home team must be notified immediately.
    2. The captain's cell phone must be available to receive emergency notification.
    3. If a player or team fails to arrive at the designated club by the start time of 9:30 am and has not notified the home team, the home team must wait for 20 minutes.
    4. If during that time, the player or team arrives, a five minute warm up is permitted.
    5. After 20 minutes, a default may be taken. However, please remember, if the home team is able, the spirit of the league is to play.

    Weather Issues

  26. Weather issue rules:
    1. Captains should contact each other before match day to discuss playing conditions. They may agree that matches should be rescheduled because of rain, snow, EXTREME cold or hazardous driving conditions. Good judgement and cooperation between captains is required when the weather conditions present possible hazards.
    2. If both captains have agreed to play, all players must travel to the match site. Once there, any player can determine that it is unsafe to play. This is a court-by-court decision.
    3. If the visiting team arrives at the home court and the courts are not playable because of unsafe conditions which occurred prior to that day, the home court advantage is forfeited. This rule does not apply when poor weather on match day has caused the problem.
    4. If the same weather that caused the original match to be cancelled exists on make up day, captains should work together and/or allow each court to find an agreeable date for playing their match.
    5. The coordinator must be contacted for assistance with the planned schedule.
    6. Matches must be completed by days end Wed. prior to the next match.

    Make-Up Day

  27. Make-up day rules:
    1. Friday is make-up day if Thursday matches are cancelled due to bad weather or State League rules. Remember, it is the courts that are not available, not the players.
    2. Pre-plays may be considered if inclement weather is forecast.
    3. Alternate sites may be used.
    4. Line-ups may be changed following the above noted delays.
    5. All rescheduled matches will be held to regular Thursday rules. (Exception: if a team member becomes ill the day of the rescheduled match and a legal substitute cannot be found, that individual match must be defaulted).


  28. Pre-play rules:
    1. Is permitted only after the previous week's matches have been completed.
    2. Pre-play is allowed for inclement weather forecasts or State League priorities.
    3. Does not grant teams the right to play out of order of strength or to accommodate someone's schedule.
    4. The coordinator MUST be notified of any planned pre-play matches.

    Suspension of Play

  29. Suspension of play rules:
    1. A match may be halted if inclement weather causes the play on the court to be hazardous.
    2. Any one person can decide it is unsafe to play, even if her match is the only one postponed.
    3. Delayed matches should be rescheduled following rule #25 but no later than the following week's matches when weather/hazardous conditions persist.
    4. All players must remain on site for 30 minutes to determine developing weather conditions. If a home team player does not wait the above noted 30 minutes the match will be moved to the visitors' courts for completion.

    Rescheduling of Suspended Match

  30. Rescheduling rules:
  31. If a match is progress is halted due to weather and resumes at a later date

    1. The game in progress must be completed.
    2. Captains will record the score, player names, court position, named order of service and which team will serve when play resumes.
    3. The match must begin precisely where it left off, with the same order of play.

    Reporting Results/Score Keeping

  32. Reporting results/score keeping rules:
    1. Home captain must EMAIL a copy of the completed player sheet to the coordinator no later than 6:00 pm on the day the match is completed.
    2. Scoring is cumulative for the season. Ties are broken by head-to-head match results. Further ties are broken by counting head-to-head sets won and then head-to-head games won.
    3. If a tie still remains, it will be broken by counting total league sets won.


  33. Protest Rules
  34. If a team feels that the opponents have purposefully "juggled" the line-up by attempting to lose a higher match in order to win a lower match, committed a disrespectful etiquette abuse, or com-mitted any other rule infraction, the match may be protested. The coordinator is responsible for hearing protests, resolving the matter, and calling on the Shore League Board to assist when necessary.

    1. Both captains must email or text a written statement explaining their position to the coordinator within three (3) days of the completed match.
    2. If the coordinator's club is involved in the infraction, she, as well as the captains of the teams involved, will be removed from the decision making process.
    3. The penalty for "sacrificing a match" results in a two point penalty. One (1) for the win taken in the lower position and one (1) for purposefully fielding a team out of order of strength.

    Cell Phone Usage

  35. All electronic devices must be silenced and may not be brought on the court. Phones may be checked in case of emergency and only on a change-over or set break. A one-game penalty will be assessed if your phone rings during play.
  36. SLPTL Board

  37. The SLPTL Board:
    1. shall assist the League Coordinator as needed
    2. shall be composed of members from all member clubs appointed by the League Coordinator
    3. shall not allow captains of teams to serve as Board representatives