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Who uses this thing? |
The software is designed for people who run their pools by photocopying tournament brackets out of the
newspaper and have the pool participants fill out the entire grid. The College basketball Pool Administrator
works in exactly the same manner. You see the brackets on the screen and use the arrow keys to make your
selections. Once the data has been entered, the software does all the work.
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How do I use it? |
It’s very simple. All you do is enter the teams, the set of picks and the scoring system and the software does
the rest. The software computes each person’s score by comparing his or her picks with the actual results
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What reports can I get? |
There are several different reports that can be generated. The Rankings Report shows the standings
of the pool participants and can be sorted by participant’s name, score or potential score.
The Scoring Report as the name implies, displays the current scoring system being used.
Tournament Grids can be printed showing a set of participant’s picks, actual tournament
results or just a blank grid as an entry form.
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What scoring systems can I use? |
The scoring system is completely user definable. You can assign any number of points for each of the six rounds.
If you like to award more value for upsets; you can use the popular score by seeds where the points awarded is
based upon the seed of the winning team. Also, you can even assign bonus or penalty points. For example, you
could award bonus points for picking all four semifinalists or all the games in a region. All the options can be
used individually or combined into one scoring system. Finally, the different scoring systems can be saved and
recalled upon demand.
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What is potential score? |
The software calculates two different scores. The first is the actual score which is how many points one person
has accumulated based upon the tournament results entered. The other is the potential score which is how many
points this person can receive given the teams he or she still has left alive in the tournament. This is a useful
feature in helping people determine their chances of winning.
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What if I run multiple pools? |
No problem. This package can run as many pools as you want. With one step you can load and unload different sets
of participant’s picks. In fact, you can also do this with the scoring systems and actual results. This allows
you to do what-if analysis by running the same poll with different scorings systems or different sets of results.
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What pain savers does it have? |
The software has several features that can save you headaches. You can have the package check to make sure that
each person’s bracket is completely filled out. You can also customize the software to automatically save your
work before you leave the application.
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What help is available? |
There are several places you can look for help. Included in this package is a comprehensive 65-page manual.
Also, within the software there are context-sensitive help screens. Finally, you can always call (201) 612-0903
for technical support.
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Is this really an MS-DOS based program? |
Yes. The application was first developed back in 1987 (the dark ages of the PC). It has been tested
on machines running Windows 3.x, 95, 98, 2000 and NT.
Additionally, we believe that this was the first commercially available PC-based application to run college
basketball pools.
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What does it cost? |
The cost is $39, but mention you saw our web site and received $10 off. The package includes the diskette,
the 65-page manual and unlimited technical support.
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How do I order? |
You can order by calling (201) 612-0903, by email @ sjccsinc@aol.com or by writing to us at:
Cacophonix City Software, Inc.
P.O. Box 1278
Ridgewood, NJ 07451